Lotus Veda believes in conscious designs and hence have a range of timeless and classic silhouettes to further promote the value of handmade & skilled craftsmanship. Our range of clothing revolves around the premise of inspiring thoughtfulness. The brand represents everyday luxury defined by an intense connection with comfort and style. We use handwoven textiles, natural materials and artisanal techniques to create products with a global and timeless appeal. Each collection by Lotus Veda tells a story, and behind every story is a creative journey, filled with an aura of fun.
lotus veda women
Preferring uncomplicated design, she is quietly aware of who she is and what she likes. She is a perfect mix of seemingly contradictory virtues: serious and light, daring and understated, sensible and expressive. She has a deep, unfailing sense of what works and she doesn't waste time trying things she knows will not. She is very much herself. Lotus veda clothing is our answer to the ideal everyday wear, powerful and feminine, pulled-together yet comfortable, vibrant yet refined. It is a garment to step out in. The woman in lotus veda is ready for what’s ahead. She doesn't create the illusion of confidence, she simply is.